Monday, January 2, 2012

Inactive Tasks - Microsoft Project 2010

I've found this new feature useful when reassessing the critical path and considering changes to a project schedule. Instead of saving different versions as I examine what-if scenarios, I can inactivate and back out the changes as necessary.

The inactive tasks feature allows project managers to remove tasks from the schedule while recognizing the task existed in the original plan.

To set a task to an inactive status:

1. Click on the task.

2. In the Task ribbon, in the Schedule section, click on the Inactivate icon.

3. The task will appear grayed out with a strike-through line.

When a task is inactivated, the task and its associated budget, work and assigned resources are not included in the schedule calculations. This feature also allows you to do some what-if analysis when assessing a potential change to your project schedule without losing the original schedule data. Inactivating a task is easy however there are several considerations when inactivating a task.

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